Access to MSME Finance through Business Matching and Literacy to Increase Competitiveness (AKU BISA) is the implementation of policies and efforts to increase access to finance. The role of Bank Indonesia in facilitating access to financing for MSMEs takes several stages. Starting with facilitating digital MSME financial literacy by using the SIAPIK application, providing information on potential MSME profile databases to be financed to encourage intermediation to financial institutions, as well as facilitating Business Matching Financing for MSMEs that are eligible for financing.

AKU BISA, is an activity that aims to disseminate and implement a program to facilitate MSME financial access, as one of Bank Indonesia's efforts to encourage competitive MSMEs to accelerate inclusive economic growth. Some of the activities that can be participated in by the community in the AKU BISA program are:

  1. Implementation of consultation, outreach, and assistance in the use of the Financial Information Recording Application Information System (SIAPIK) for MSMEs
  2. Survey Implementation and Survey Results Input Potentially Funded MSME Profile Database (BISAID)
  3. Implementation of MSME consultations with OJK for easy access to Financial Information Service System (SLIK) data
  4. Consultation on financing products by financial institutions

To attend the AKU BISA Booth, you can fill in your data and your arrival time in the following form: