
Pigura Wood

Rp 250,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 30cm x 30 cm
Size: -
Material Type: Frame and Sasirangan Cloth

Pigura Wood is a craft by applying sasirangan cloth to be used as home deco, you can use sasirangan cloth that is not used or use new pieces of cloth according to the preferred motif to be used as a display

alsahid Sasirangan Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

A brief description of alsahid Sasirangan produces & sells the traditional fabric of the South Kalimantan region, namely sasirangan as a form of preserving the original culture of the region which is one of the archipelago's traditions with its main product using natural dyes, while the color of the product is predominantly monochrome with simple but elegant motifs because it always puts forward local wisdom, therefore every resulting motive has a philosophy. The products sold are in the form of fabrics and ready-to-wear products as well as various crafts made from sasirangan cloth