
Simalungun Batak songket

Rp 2,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Songket
Pattern Name: Hatirongga
Pattern Meaning: simplicity and order
Material Type: Polyester
Size: 200 x 95 cm
Type of Thread: Benang Sutra
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

Bah Pison Pematangsiantar

MSME Profile

Bah Pison founded in 2008 because I saw that there are very few Simalungun fabrics on the market, which means that many Simalungun do not know the culture and may not even have the opportunity to own it. Therefore, I have created a distinctive fabric from the Simalungun culture with motifs from ancient times in modern quality, so that today's generation can learn about the Simalungun culture and the culture itself will not be lost.