
Sepatu Kulit Ecoprint Batik Dahon

Rp 450,000

Product Description :

Dimension: -
Size: No.36 s.d. 42
Material Type: Kulit

Ecoprint Batik Dahon yang merupakan produk ramah lingkungan juga memiliki produk turunannya seperti sepatu. Sepatu berbahan dasar kulit yang dibalut dengan sentuhan kain ecoprint Batik Dahon terlihat sangat unik, menarik, dan stylish. Tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan dengan berbagai model yang kekinian dapat digunakan untuk generasi milenial.

Batik Dahon Tasikmalaya

MSME Profile

Natural dyes are produced from carefully selected leaves, fruit peels, and wood bark found around the house. Dahon itself refers to the palm/nipa palm tree. Dahon fruit comes in shades ranging from pink peach to red and ash. To create patterns on fabric, the original shape of the plant is pressed onto the fabric surface that has undergone mordanting process. The Ecoprint process can be applied to fabrics that are not made from synthetic materials. This Ecoprint process results in patterned fabric that can be used to create various derivative products. The motifs produced are exclusive and unique. Making it environmentally friendly. The products include fabric, bags, tote bags, shawls, shoes, clutches, and hats.