
Tumbler Stainless Cover Anyaman Bambu

Rp 120,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 20cm
Size: 500ml
Material Type: Stainless Steel dan Bambu

Tumbler Stainless cover anyaman bambu produk Bejod Magic Bamboo, tahan panas, cocok untuk didalam dan diluar ruangan. unik dan stylish.

MSME Profile

Bejod Magic Bamboo was officially founded in 2010, currently has 10 members and sales figures have been increasing from time to time. So far, Bejod Magic Bamboo has been manufacturing & selling thousands of biodegradable & eco-friendly bamboo products such as drinking utensils, which will greatly reduce the impact on our environment and contribute to a better and cleaner world. Bejod Magic Bamboo products are made entirely from Indonesian bamboo and are safe for the end user.