
Selendang Minimalis

Rp 450,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Bordir
Pattern Name: Bunga Setangkai
Pattern Meaning: The motif of a single flower represents simplicity in beauty. It embodies the idea that beauty can be found in the simplest things and that elegance can be achieved through uncomplicated and unassuming elements. The motif of a single flower symbolizes the appreciation of the subtle and unpretentious aspects of nature's beauty, reflecting the cultural value of finding joy and aesthetics in simplicity. It serves as a reminder to embrace the charm of modesty and understated elegance, appreciating the small details that contribute to the overall beauty of life. In this context, the motif of a single flower celebrates the notion that true beauty often lies in the unadorned and uncomplicated aspects of nature and existence.
Material Type: Maxmara Silky
Size: 200 cm x 40 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Bordir manual

Chaky Stary Sumatra Barat

MSME Profile

Chaky Stary, established in December 2017, initially struggled to sell handmade lace. However, after creating digitally embroidered shawls, sales boomed. Production increased to 4 dozen shawls per month, with over 30 sold monthly. I was invited to teach handmade lace at the Minangkabau weaving craft center. In 2019, I participated in the Inacraft event. The combination of Minangkabau handmade lace and shawls gained popularity, especially among mothers. Customers can customize colors, models, and sizes. We excel in producing premium handmade lace with unique motifs.