
Kain Kofo Batik Tulis Warna Alam

Rp 2,599,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Motif Lombang
Pattern Meaning: Motif Lombang yang artinya corak bercorak dipadukan dengan keanekaragaman motif yang ada pada berbagai macam kerajinan masyarakat lokal setempat seperti tikar, alas tempat tidur, ukiran tempat sirih dan motif daun pisang abaka.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 250 cm x 120 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Cofo Sulawesi Utara

MSME Profile

The word Kofo or hote in the daily language of the Sangihe people, is a type of banana plant that grows abundantly in the Sangihe & Talaud islands for centuries. In 1979 the last Kofo cloth was displayed in Yogyakarta by Mrs. Makatengkeng Rodingan and in 2016 the Kofo cloth was exhibited at the Jakarta Textile Museum, which is the collection of Mr/Ms Joe Seda. The last history of Kofo cloth was in 1979. Kofo cloth from North Sulawesi was officially declared a non-material heritage that must be preserved and protected among 33 Indonesian traditional textiles by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017."