Indonesian Snacks


Rp 40,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200
Material Content: karamel, susu, mentega dan telur
Variant / Flavor: Original, Cokelat

NATSEPA Menghadirkan Algari, terbuat dari bahan organik pilihan dengan komposisi kenari yang dicampur dengan karamel, susu, mentega dan telur

CV Breaven Maluku

MSME Profile

CV Breaven was founded in 2009 because we care about local products that have not been processed properly in terms of production an packaging. CV Breaven eith the NATSEPA brand has produce various innovative products with kenari nut and sago as raw material and has received several national level awards. With the majority of women employee we have entered the give shops and modern retail shops. We are also trying to reach a wider market abroad.