
Selendang Songket Motif Bintang Mawar

Rp 900,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Songket
Pattern Name: Bintang Mawar
Pattern Meaning: Kain songket motif bintang mawar terinspirasi dari bunga mawar yang melambangkan sebagai lambang cinta dan kasih sayang. Maka keindahan filosofi dari bunga mawar mengajarkan kepada kita untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik kepada orang yang berharga dalam hidup kita
Material Type: Katun
Size: 150cm x 50cm
Type of Thread: Benang Sartibi
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

MSME Profile

Fortuna Songket Sidemen, located in Sidemen Village, Sidemen District, Karangasem Regency. It is engaged in the production of songket woven fabrics. Using cotton and silk threads as the basic ingredients of songket cloth and natural dyes as the main dyeing base so that the texture of the cloth becomes lighter, and is also environmentally friendly. The purpose of forming this weaving group is that songket cloth is a cultural and ancestral heritage that should be preserved. Where this sidemen songket cloth has a variety of motive that have their meaning and are very beautiful. In addition, the village of Sidemen is also a centre for producing songket fabric in Bali