Indonesian Snacks

Sale Untir

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 135 gr
Material Content: Flour, Chocolate, Bananas, Salt.
Variant / Flavor: Chocolate

Pengeringan dan pengasapan telah lama
dikenal penduduk desa untuk mengawetkan
hasil panen yang berlimpah, termasuk pisang.
Lahirlah sale pisang di berbagai belahan
Nusantara. Selain tahan lama, aroma, tekstur,
serta rasa unik pun muncul. Bila untiran
cokelat renyah membungkus buah kering
yang manis alami ini, tak ayal kelezatan baru
tercipta. Sungguh pas sebagai teman duduk
kala sendiri atau beramai-ramai.

MSME Profile

Accompanied by Bank Indonesia DIY, LIPI DIY, Department of Forestry and Plantations Gunungkidul, this small industry is growing step by step and now independent full from upstream to downstream, starting from the process cultivation, fermentation, fertilization, processing to packaging. "We are increasingly empowered," one proud inhabitant. Thus, chocolate has become breath for village men and women. The flavors form a chunk memories for the travelers of various corners of the world.