Indonesian Snacks


Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200
Material Content: Serat pangan,Natrium,Magnesium,Vit B6 Zat besi.
Variant / Flavor: Original

Sambal Lemea is an authentic traditional dish from Lebong District, Bengkulu, made from fermented young bamboo shoots, resulting in a unique taste and aroma. The idea of packaging Sambal Lemea arose because many migrants from Lebong longed for the dish but couldn't enjoy it due to limited ingredients. As a result, we created packaged Sambal Lemea that can last for up to 4 months and can be shipped anywhere. The packaged Sambal Lemea aims to preserve local wisdom

Gusti Kalamansi Bengkulu

MSME Profile

The distinctive sensation of Bengkulu can be experienced through the refreshing flavor of kalamansi lime, which is suitable as a solution for processed food ingredients for families. GUSTI Kalamansi brings innovation in processing kalamansi lime into delicious and refreshing finished products, such as syrup, instant ginger, and sambal (chili sauce), as well as Bengkulu's traditional processed foods, Tempoyak and Pendap. These products use fresh and high-quality ingredients, without any additional preservatives or artificial sweeteners, and are rich in nutrients and vitamin C, processed manually.