
Kain Motif Bebek & Bunga Cina

Rp 3,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Motif Bebek & Bunga Cina
Pattern Meaning: Masyarakat Bangka Belitung menyebut Bunga Peony dengan nama Kembang China. Bunga Peony melambangkan cinta, kebahagiaan, kemakmuran dan nasib baik. Selain itu melambangkan kehormatan dan kepribadian yang berkelas. Penggunaan bunga Peony dalam kain Cual memberi kesan kepada pemakainya kehormatan dan kepribadian yang berkelas namun tetap memancarkan cinta kasih sesama manusia. Taburan Bunga Peony dalam selembar kain Cual ini seolah-olah memberi pesan kita untuk menjaga toleransi yang selama ini tercipta di Bumi Serumpun Sebalai. Motif Kembang China sering dipadankan dengan Burung Hong, Kupu-kupu, Bebek dan Kembang Seroja. (The people of Bangka Belitung call Peony Flower "Kembang China" (Chinese Flower). Peony flowers symbolize love, happiness, prosperity, and good fortune. They also represent honor and classy personality. The use of Peony flowers in Cual fabric gives the impression of an honorable and classy character while radiating love and compassion for others. The scattered Peony flowers on this piece of Cual fabric seem to convey a message to preserve the tolerance that has been established on this Archipelago. The motif of Chinese Flower is often combined with Bird of Paradise, Butterfly, Duck, and Lotus Flower)
Material Type: Sutra
Size: 180 cm x 90 cm (kain/fabric); 200 cm x 60 cm (selendangshawl)
Type of Thread: Benang Sutra
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

Ishadi Tenun Cual Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Ishadi Kain Cual, a pioneer of the cual cloth identity of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Starting from the idea of her late husband Abdul Hadi Muchtar, Ishadi Kain Cual became a trademark that took the name of Isnawaty & Abdul Hadi. Our advantages include the authenticity of cual cloth patterns or motifs taken from ancient motifs of the 1800 century, maintaining the quality and durability of materials with strict quality control, neat and comfortable finishes, environmentally friendly with low production residue, and can be used by all ages. Our cual fabric is loved by all generations because of its unique elegant and beautiful motifs.