
Pot Bunga Tangkai

Rp 85,000

Product Description :

Dimension: Tinggi 22 cm x Lebar 26 cm
Size: Tinggi 22 cm x Lebar 26 cm
Material Type: Eceng Gondok dan benang

Produk Pot Bunga Tangkai Isna Puring seluruhnya terbuat dari bahan alami eceng gondok dengan proses pembuatan alami menjadikan pot bunga bisa dipadukan dengan bunga-bunga yang membantu mempercantik ruangan dengan kesan alamidi ruangan rumah

Isna Puring Kepulauan Riau

MSME Profile

All of our products take advantage of the potential of the water hyacinth plant which is not utilized, with the touch of women's hands to become goods that can meet the needs of life style, food packing, home decoration, etc. as potential export products by presenting a natural style feel for all of you