Indonesian Snacks

Keripik Pisang Izzul Jaya

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Pisang, Minyak Goreng, Gula, Garam, Perasa Makanan
Variant / Flavor: Manis, Cokelat, Keju, Susu, Melon, Strawberrry, Jahe, Wijen

Keripik yang terbuat dari pisang segar pilihan. diracik dengan bumbu khusus dan bahan - bahan terbaik. sehingga menghasilkan keripik dengan cita rasa yang khas

Izzul Jaya Lampung

MSME Profile

Izzul Jaya’s chip is one of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) that produces tubers and bananas processed. In the processing of chips we use a good ingredients quality to make the product be a good product which can be consumed by anyone. This chips product can be used for souvenirs, snacks during events or while traveling.