Indonesian Snacks

Peanut Butter Bumi Kiwari

Rp 55,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 350gr
Material Content: Kacang Tanah, Gula Kelapa, Minyak Kelapa, Garam Laut (Peanuts, Coconut Sugar, Coconut Oil, Sea Salt)
Variant / Flavor: Selai Kacang Asli (Original Peanut Butter)

Besides coffee, we also grow other crops such as peanuts and lemons. The coffee we buy, peanuts and lemons we grow are then processed into ready-to-brew coffee, peanut butter and lemon jam that can be tried at our coffee shops, Bumi Kiwari and Kopi Kiwari.

Kopi Kiwari Jawa Barat

MSME Profile

Starting from our parents' concern about the critical land on Mount Manglayang, since 2010 we have been planting coffee which is a conservation crop to make the critical land on Mount Manglayang green and productive again. We empower local farmers to grow coffee and buy the produce with a fair trade system to maintain the welfare of the farmers. In addition to coffee, we also grow other crops such as peanuts and lemons. The coffee we buy, peanuts and lemons we grow are then processed into ready-to-brew coffee, peanut butter and lemon jam that can be tried at our coffee shops, Bumi Kiwari and Kopi Kiwari.