Indonesian Snacks

Macarina Rasa Indomie

Rp 20,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 120 gr
Material Content: Macarina (Tepung Tapioka, Minyak Nabati, Bumbu Pilihan, Air & Garam)
Variant / Flavor: Indomie

Macarina Gurih, Asin, Sedap Dengan Rasa Indomie
Kalian Juga Bebas Pilih Level 1 - 5, Disertakan Cabe Bubuk Terpisah Dalam Kemasan

MSME Profile

CV. Macarindo Berkah Group has been established since April 20, 2017, specializing in Macarina macaroni with various flavors. Macarina understands the importance of preserving beautiful memories. Macarina produces crispy macaroni snacks with a delightful texture, featuring two flagship flavors: 1. Original: Macarina's signature flavor, savory, salty, sweet, with a sprinkling of chili powder inside the packaging. 2. Chocolate: Intensely sweet chocolate flavor, with an additional separate packet of vanilla ice cream sensation seasoning inside the packaging.