
Elang Jawa

Rp 3,750,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Elang Jawa
Pattern Meaning: Elang jawa dianggap identik dengan sang garuda lambang negara. Sejak 1992 ia ditetapkan sebagai maskot satwa langka Indonesia. Merupakan fauna endemik pulau Jawa, kegagahan dan keanggunannya sungguh mempesona. New Exotic mengabadikan anggota ekosistem hutan hujan tropis ini demi mengabarkan pentingnya melestarikan lingkungan. Diperindah dengan motif klasik ‘kawung’, karya seni ini memancarkan kebebasan dan kepercayaan diri.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 250 x 110 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis

New Exotic Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

New Exotic Batik was established in early January 2012 and introduced various written batik motifs with unique designs and premium quality. New Exotic Batik is made by our craftsmen who are 90 percent women. Carrying out the principles of exclusive, unique and innovative, New Exotic explores traditional Indonesian batik motifs while creating new images, all of which are inspired by Indonesian nature and culture. This process can take three to six months depending on the difficulty level of the motifs and colors used. As the basic coloring, New Exotic chooses the main element of the natural color of soga which consists of natural materials which then becomes the hallmark of every sheet of New Exotic written batik cloth.