Nusantara Coffee Creation

Kopi Robusta Lamno Murni 250 gram

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250gr
Ingredients: Kopi
Type of Coffee: Robusta
Coffee Processing Method: Natural
Coffee Processing Method: Dry Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium-Dark Roast

MSME Profile

Portugis Coffee is a coffee powder processing business and bottled coffee Robusta Lamno, Aceh Jaya. Portugis coffee was established to lift back the spirit of Lamno coffee farmers in producing the best robusta coffee. The brand "Portugis Coffee" has produced pure robusta coffee products in modern processing so that it has a distinctive taste and aroma. In addition to coffee grounds, Portugis Coffee also produces bottled coffee with 2 flavors, namely sanger coffee and palm sugar coffee. So that it gives a new color to coffee MSMEs in Aceh.