Indonesian Snacks

Kering Kentang Mustopa

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150 gram
Material Content: Kentang Dieng, Gula, Garam, Cabe Merah, Minyak Goreng, dan Rempah-Rempah lainnya
Variant / Flavor: original

Mustopa Rajawali, dibuat dari kentang pilihan, dengan resep turun temurun, menjadikan produk mustopa Rajawali disukai pelanggan, sampai saat ini menjadi salah satu best seller produk kami.

Rajawali Abon Tasikmalaya

MSME Profile

The "Rajawali" Cap Shredded and Beef Jerky business was started in 1968. The "Rajawali" Shredded and Beef Jerky business is often used as souvenirs for agencies and offices in Ciamis City. One of the things that was quite happy was when the shredded product "Rajawali" was asked to be a goody bag for guests invited to the wedding of the Governor of West Java's children in 2008. In addition, in 2012 the television show "Ala Chef" hosted by Farah Quinn shot an event at shredded production house "Rajawali“ and demonstrated a menu of dishes made with shredded ingredients. Selected in the 2018 IKRA BI Curation and participated in the 2019 Trade Expo Indonesia event.