Indonesian Snacks

Randang Jaguang Makranin

Rp 60,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Jagung, Daging, Santan, cabe merah, bawang merah, bawang putih, jahe dan rempah-rempah.
Variant / Flavor: Manis

Randang Jaguang Makrnanin is a new variant of Minangkabau cuisine's rendang. Randang Jaguang Makranin stems from our strong desire to preserve the tradition of ancestral food. Additionally, we hope to prevent foreign cuisines from eroding the tastes of our children. With the growing popularity of rendang worldwide, we had the idea to create a new variant using corn. Initially, we conducted a simple 3-month research period. We sought the knowledge of village cooks within our family circle regarding the process of making rendang. After experimenting with various recipes, we finally discovered the perfect blend to make randang jaguang. We shared randang jaguang with our closest relatives as testers, and it turned out that many people, including children, loved it. With confidence and entrepreneurial spirit, we began selling it openly.

Rendang Jagung Makranin Sumatra Barat

MSME Profile

In 2011, rendang was hailed as the most delicious dish in the world by CNN International. In 2018, rendang was declared as Indonesia's national dish. Randang Jaguang Makranin was created to preserve ancestral culinary traditions. After research and recipe experimentation, a popular variation of rendang jaguang was discovered. Randang Jaguang Makranin is made from corn and shredded meat, with two spicy and sweet-spicy flavor options. Despite being a young business, Randang Jaguang Makranin was chosen as one of the 45 SMEs in the National Proud of Indonesian Products Movement. It envisions itself as a healthy food business based on traditional cuisine accepted by modern society, and has obtained halal certification and business permits.