Indonesian Snacks

Rumah Tani Pandan Wangi Organic Rice 1 kg

Rp 31,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 1 Kg
Material Content: Pandan Wangi Organic Rice
Variant / Flavor: Pandan Wangi

Pandan Wangi Rice is one of the varieties of feather rice grown in Cisalak, Cibeber, Cianjur, West Java. Because of the pandan-scented rice, this paddy and rice have been known since 1973 as Pandan Wangi.

Pandan Wangi rice, planting age 150-165 days, plant height reaches 150-170 cm, grain is round/fat belly, good quality, resistant to loss, weight 1000 grains, grain 300 gr, rice tastes good, and smells of pandan. Meanwhile, the amylase level is 20%. The yield potential is 6-7 tons/ha of collected dry malai. Rice like this has advantages such as: it tastes good, is fluffier, and smells good like pandan.

Rice grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Natural processing without using bleach, preservatives and fragrances.

MSME Profile

Rumah Tani Lestari (RTL) cultivates local Indonesian varieties of organic rice, to help maintain food security, considering that food security is important for every country. RTL hopes to contribute to maintaining the world's food supply by distributing organic rice and Indonesian agricultural products throughout the world. Our vision is to become a reliable leading agricultural exporter. For this reason, RTL created Inacrop, a unit that handles foreign trade. We collaborate with farmers, supermarkets, shops and other business sectors in realizing our vision of providing quality Indonesian agricultural products. For further information, please contact via