Nusantara Coffee Creation

Ulunowih Natural

Rp 75,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250gr
Ingredients: Kopi
Type of Coffee: Arabika
Coffee Processing Method: Semi Wash
Coffee Processing Method: Dry Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium Roast

Ulunowih Aceh

MSME Profile

Gayo coffee is the lifeblood of more than 80% of the Gayo highlanders.As a Gayo native, Sabardi wants to utilize this potential to renowned Gayo's name as well as to prosper the farmers there.Together with his friend, Ihsanuddin, Sabardi built the Ulunowih coffeebusiness with the tagline, "Specialty Coffee from Gayo Farmer". Ununowih in Gayo language means Head of Water, which meansHuman Life