
Table Runner Bordir

Rp 450.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Dimensi: 40x200 cm
Jenis Bahan: Tafetta atau Duchess

Table Runner bahan duchess/taffeta dengan bordir manual sesuai keinginan. Bordir pada 2 sisi kanan dan kiri. Bagian belakang dilapisi dengan kain hero.

Annaqqu Jawa Timur

Profil UMKM

ANNAQQU Boutique was founded in 1999 in Surabaya. Since its inception, Annaqqu has mostly marketed its products online, namely via email, Multiply, Facebook and Instagram. The business that started with selling children's clothes has developed into a boutique selling apparel products and other customized items where customers can choose the material and design they want. The hallmark of Annaqqu products is the delicate Handmade Embroidery with unique motifs. Currently the most ordered clothes are Embroidered Kebaya, Embroidered Batik Shirt and Embroidered Mukena.