Indonesian Snacks

Banana Blossom Floss / Abon Jantung Pisang

Rp 18,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Banana blossom, chicken (10% of the total ingredients), jack beans, seasonings, salt, sugar
Variant / Flavor: Banana Blossom

Jantung pisang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Padahal, bunga ini mengandung
berbagai nutrisi penting seperti kalium, vitamin A, C, E, dan asam amino esensial
yang dibutuhkan tubuh, serta kaya antioksidan. Melihat keberlimpahan bahan ini
di lingkungannya, Anis mencoba mengolahnya menjadi lauk praktis non-MSG.
Penelitian akademi kebidanan di Lampung menyebut abon ini baik untuk program
hamil dan ibu menyusui. Wow, alternatif gizi yang menakjubkan.

Abon Daun Mas Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

As a homemaker, Anis knows how valuable time is. The existence of convenient dishes certainly saves energy and encourages the productivity of women in other daily aspects. However, the available options of ready-to-eat protein that are both economical in the market are not satisfying for her. She strives to present alternative foods that are healthy, hygienic, delicious, easy to serve, and still affordable by optimizing the natural resources around the production house into valuable products such as kluwih fruit and banana blossom.