Indonesian Snacks

Marning Jagung Nuzea

Rp 12,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Jagung utuh, garam, minyak goreng dan rempah-rempah
Variant / Flavor: Original

Cemilan tradisional lezat yang dikemas dalam kemasan kekinian. Terbuat dari jagung utuh, renyah dan gurih. Tanpa pengawet dan pewarna tambahan.

MSME Profile

Home industry owned by Tarbiyah Islamiyah Boarding School/ Pesantren, which is engaged in Corn Marning production, which is named "NUZEA Marning Corn" whose raw materials are obtained from corn farmers as a form of mutually beneficial cooperation between Pesantren and the community. So that corn can be developed and made into a home industry processing food crops. Having a savory taste and crunchy texture, although marning is a traditional food, it is still quite in demand today.